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Striped Bass Fishing

August 25, 2009

Striped bass fishing in the shadow of the Duval County Detention center? Sound intriguing?
There is a old saying, fish where the fish are. Is it ancient Indian? Did John Smith bring it over this side of the pond via the Mayflower and that big rock? Probably not. The saying rings true in any “reel” fisherman’s language and should be applied to catch those big stripers that hang around the cool water of downtown Jacksonville, Florida. The best kept fishing hole in northern Florida can be accessed with a wee little boat or even a good sturdy kayak. Big vessels need no apply. The bridges in downtown Jacksonville offer some of the most exciting breathtaking striper fishing as anywhere in the state. The challenge is out there for all the world to see, find a more accessible location to catch above-average striped bass in Jacksonville and the boss will publish the name of the “Person who beat me”.

The striped bass population in downtown Jax is always over 5,000. How can this be documented and proven? The city of Jacksonville stocks the St. John’s River with 200,000 striper fingerling each and every year, thus perpetuating a hardy species of fish with man as it’s only natural predator. The surprise is not that there are monster stripers in the shadows of such Jacksonville iconic landmarks as Maxwell House and The Courthouse of Duval County.

In order to adequately and successfully land a few of the striped bass under the bridges in downtown Jacksonville, a few tips need to be explained. The striped bass prefer even demand cooler water. If the water gets above 80 degrees the fish will high-tail it to a deeper hole or even open water to relieve themselves from the oppressive heat. The best time to catch these bad-boys is to go during the cool months of November through March. the fish have a secret and this secret is about to be told right here, striped bass love to hit top water when it is low light and cool water conditions. There it has been told. A three decade secret sworn to allegiance released into the entire world. Well, the oath was taken as a fourth grade student at Jacksonville Heights Elementary. The striped bass assassins will most certainly be at the downstairs entrance.

The best top water lure to use is a gold color Husky-Jerk Rapala. The bait is just deadly on the chilly stripers and will have the limit in a good half-days fishing but only if the sun is playing peek-a-boo with the clouds. Stripers in downtown Jacksonville adore the overcast cloud cover and actually will only strike top-water when the lights are turned down low. If the sun is out and the weather is close to 80, drop the live baits (finger mullet) down to a depth of about 15-20 and hang on for the stripers are a coming. A guarantee? Fine. Three stripers over four pounds each. There, happy?

Click here to learn more Bass Fishing Techniques now!